About Us
The Islamic Center of Cary, Cary Masjid – Background

The Islamic Center of Cary was established in 2004 by a few people who wanted a place of worship in the Cary, NC vicinity. Later on in that year a land was purchased to construct a Masjid as the permanent home. It us under construction, and Insha Allah soon we will have a place of our own. It is a place of worship which is open to all Muslims who practice the religion taught by Prophet MuhammadSAW and as practiced by the four Khulafah Rashideen.
However, the base practices of the Masjid as described by Imam Abu HanifahRA. The Masjid also focuses on the spiritual part of Islam for excellence in worship – known as “Ihsaan.” We invite you to visit us and meet new friends at our Masjid.
The ICC Governance Process
The ICC governance process has been established based on the foundations and the guidance in Quran and the practices observed by Prophet MuhammadSAW and the Khulafah Rashideen. The details of the Spiritual foundations and the highlights of the governance process are described in the documents referenced below:
The Mission
To establish and maintain one or more Masjid and/or an Islamic Center for worship and the benefit of Muslims living in the Wake County, North Carolina, and vicinities. To establish and support a Muslim community for the benefit of the Muslims in the Wake County, North Carolina, and vicinities; To promote a better understanding of Islam among Muslims and non-Muslims, and to provide facilities, such as religious instructions classes for children and adults, discussion forums for children and adults, help assist in conducting Islamic way of marriage, help assist conducting burial services in a Islamic way, and such other activities which will provide opportunities for the Muslims in the area to lead an Islamic way of life.
To carry on religious, charitable, education, literary, research, scientific, social or any other activity pertaining to the realization of an Islamic value system and way of life. To promote and strengthen fraternal bonds among Muslims living in the Wake County, North Carolina, and vicinities as brotherhood among all Muslims; To promote friendly relations with Muslim communities or associations in the USA and globally.
To promote a better citizenship of the Muslim community in the Wake County, North Carolina, and vicinities, with its non-Muslims neighbors, near and far.